Fraud through What’s up and Telegram to loot the money

Name of Complainant Rajeev Sharma
Date of ComplaintNovember 29, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Rajeev Sharma:

Crime through What’s up and Telegram
On 19th October I got a message on What’s up from +91 8658257414 offering project related to share and like of sites for which they offer Rs. 150 for 3 likes. The name as mentioned in message was Priya Gupta Asstt. Project Manager for FCBULKA. To complete the task, she asks me to join Telegram group i.e. was the InCharge for payment after every task. And from there I am being directed to Telegram group for 21 tasks to complete in a day wherein at different levels paid tasks were also involved. Initially I ignored and got paid 150 for 3 tasks but subsequently they told to complete the paid task which I follow by investing Rs.2000 and since then it won’t stopped as they assign reasons to put money on account of wrong work or on account to open a large account to allow withdrawal. Till yesterday the money was in Coin Account and were appearing as 2330000 but today their receptionist told the merchant has to recover your data as it is suspended being not used long and to recover the data you need to pay Fees Rs.200000/- to withdraw your money else…. ? I have chatting with Receiptionist which of from beginning till today as under. I request to you to kindly catch hold on these scammer and get recovered my money.

> Rajeev Sharma:
Can you help through merchant

> Rajeev Sharma:
Good morning

> Receptionist:Nita:
Good morning

> Rajeev Sharma:

> Receptionist:Nita:
I have helped you

> Rajeev Sharma:
ЁЯЦ╝ Photo

> Rajeev Sharma:
Task 6

> Receptionist:Nita:
After the task is completed, send it to the task specialist for confirmation,

> Rajeev Sharma:
But your help needs more push

> Rajeev Sharma:
I am sure you can help

> Receptionist:Nita:
I’ve helped you

> Receptionist:Nita:
If you donтАЩt need a merchant advance, I can cancel it for you.

> Rajeev Sharma:
I need but equal to the task amount. Merchant can take advantage of the additional amount which I get from the task

> Receptionist:Nita:
I’ve helped you

> Rajeev Sharma:
Good Morning
Thanks a lot for the help but it’s not adequate as requested

> Rajeev Sharma:
Can you advise the teacher to assign the task equal to 1000000 value which you confirmed for help from merchant

> Rajeev Sharma:
This is how the task can be completed

> Receptionist:Nita:
Please provide a screenshot of the coin account

> Rajeev Sharma:

> Receptionist:Nita:
Provide me with screenshots

> Receptionist:Nita:

> Rajeev Sharma:
Yes this is the site

> Rajeev Sharma:
What for you the need screen shot

> Rajeev Sharma:
Can you confirm please

> Rajeev Sharma:
I think you can check the possibility with merchant for loan for full task amount and in turn I will share the task profit with him

Image Uploaded by Rajeev Sharma:

Fraud through What’s up and Telegram to loot the money

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