Fraud Sanjog Marriage Bureau Gaziabad

Name of Complainant Rasikh
Date of ComplaintApril 29, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Rasikh:

Attention everyone, I would like to share my experience with the Sanjog Marriage Bureau. Unfortunately, I had a negative experience with this bureau and want to caution others about their fraudulent practices.

I received a call from a representative named Nidhi Sharma (+918922946667) who provided me with a marriage proposal and explained the registration process and fee. Despite my initial reluctance, she persisted in contacting me on a daily basis via phone and WhatsApp.

After setting up a call with a potential bride, Ms. Sharma began pressuring me to pay the registration fee, which I declined to do. Eventually, I agreed to pay a token amount of 500 and requested a video conference call with the bride. Ms. Sharma initially agreed but changed her position after I made the payment, stating that her head office did not permit this type of communication and discussing process and policy.

Feeling trapped, I made a risky decision to pay an additional 1500 to obtain the bride’s number and have a video conference call with her. Ms. Sharma promised to refund the amount if the bride did not meet my expectations.

However, after paying 1500, Ms. Sharma immediately contacted me and claimed that the system did not accept this amount, and I would need to pay 2000 in one transaction since I had already paid 500 one week earlier. I requested a refund of my payment and declined to pay an additional amount. Ms. Sharma continued to pressure me to pay the full amount and unlock the system to obtain the bride’s number, promising to refund my earlier payments. I stopped responding to her after this exchange.

I apologize for the detailed explanation, but I felt it was necessary to share my experience and warn others about their scam. Please be cautious while dealing with the Sanjog Marriage Bureau. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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