Fraud Nitesh Khawani doing online data typing jobs Fraud in all over India

Name of Complainant Shital Kulkarni
Date of ComplaintJuly 27, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against , , , , , ,
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Shital Kulkarni:

I was in need of money so i applied for work at quickr so my resume was upload .Aftr that they called me and said will you want to work i said yes.Aftr that they provided me the link to work.. aftr i started working they sent aggreement pdf …without my signature…the work was to fill 1080 forms correctly out of 1200…i did my work correctly bt they said i hve incorrecllty so they said they will call me. for further proceedings ….aftr 4.5 days their lawyer called me and threatens to pay me ₹6700 as compensation…i was travelling that day i said its isnt possible right now he said u have to pay in next 30min i said let me go home.then i will talk he was going on threatening me that pay soon i am. sitting in session court case will be made upon you ,your carrier will be spoiled ..then u have to come to court. Or pay ₹3lac for closing of all agrrements n cases ..he tortured me so much that felt dizziness for sometimes..after that he daily texted me warrant case has been filled upon you….this much u have to pay…i was terrified that i paid him 6700…aftr that also he texts me that u have to clear your dues from the company or else 420 penal code cases will be filed against you…….sir i must say to you that i am much depressed by his words n threats that i am taking depression pills many bad thoughts are coming in mind if something wrong happens who will be responsible….i haven’t signed agreement fake agreemnt has been made by them and torchuring n harasing. I got some information regarding this mail culprit that,  already FIR had registered against this Nitesh khawani in Jalgaon Maharashtra by a lady student. And Jalgaon session court rejected nitesh khawani’ bail application.  This is the main evidence that he is genuinely doing a fraud and taking money from evry poor students by giving fake fabricating court notice, fake Advocate notice and threatening to file cibil or criminal suit if we refused to pay money to that data typing companies. Jalgaon session court already proved that nitesh khawani has got catches in such criminal activities.  I request you to take action against this person.  He also harassed me for money and threatening me to finish me my carrier.


I got some information regarding this main culprit nitesh khawani that,  already FIR had registered against this Nitesh khawani in Jalgaon Maharashtra by a lady student. And Jalgaon session court rejected nitesh khawani’ bail application.  This is the main evidence that he is genuinely doing a fraud in all over india and taking money from evry poor students by giving fake fabricating court notice, fake Advocate notice and threatening to file cibil or criminal suit if we refused to pay money to that data typing companies. Jalgaon session court already proved that nitesh khawani has got catches in such criminal activities.  I request you to take action against this person.  He also harassed me for money and threatening me to finish me my carrier.  I can proved that criminal action is taken against fraud nitesh khawani in Jalgaon Maharashtra also FIR has registered against him in Jalgaon cyber crime police station. Everybody search on ecourt website to get Jalgaon session court order which proves that nitesh khawani is really a fraud man  and shows his active involvment in such crime and still he is doing same fraud present time also in a cool mind having intention to cheat,harass  people to take money from them.

Image Uploaded by Shital Kulkarni:

Fraud Nitesh Khawani doing online data typing jobs Fraud in all over India

2 thoughts on “Fraud Nitesh Khawani doing online data typing jobs Fraud in all over India

  1. If you need more information for this, message us on our WhatsApp number 09389654777
    Thank You

  2. This is Nitesh Khawani and I am personally writing a reply to these comments. In the matter stated above I want to inform everyone commenting over here that I am aware of the person uploading these comments. However this matter is subjudice. I have received a clear chit from the court and the court has agreed that this is a matter where I deserve to be given benefit of doubt. I have clearly achieved the favor of law against all those who are blackmailing me and wrongfully trying to extort my money. The court also ruled in my favor in this regard. These are merely methods and instruments which are used to harass and torture me. I will also take steps against this in due time. Hence anyone and everyone conspiring against me shall be warned against their actions. The court and judiciary is above all such spamming posts on this website. I have clearly won against torturing agents and will proceed legally only against everyone.I also want to inform that none of these allegations are true and all of these situations are falsely created. I do not own any of the above mentioned companies nor am i directly or indirectly involved in them

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