Fraud investment

Name of Complainant KALLA PRIYANKA
Date of ComplaintOctober 22, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Investments
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Text of Complaint by KALLA PRIYANKA:

I have invested 15000 rs in MAVROCK AI TEGRAM APP. They asked to do the other payments like 35000 and 87900 rs after paying to the manager/ receptionist they asked us to wait for some time and then they asked to add bank account so that I can withdraw invested amount in the MAVRCK APP itself. But I click on withdraw it’s showing like pending review state and after that it was rejected by merchant. They keep on saying in order to get money u need to pay of 71660 which I declined. They says that if I do that all my large profit transaction will be withdrawn in the bank account. At that point I came to know they are bluffing with me and they haven’t released atleast the amount I paid even I asked them several times. All groups and teacher and receptionist and manager were all fake plz help me to get my amount back.

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