Fraud data entry

Name of Complainant Priya Mishra
Date of ComplaintDecember 26, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Priya Mishra:

I got a call for doing a data entry and they told me that there are no charges and they will pay me 10000 for the same there were 380 forms which was to be filled in 4 days with 90%accuracy . As soon as I started I found the data to be very wierd and soon I contacted to the customer care they denied to the point and said that there data are true and acurate but i still didn’t want to indulge into this so o quickly stoped it and later I received a mail of sending me a legal notice and asking me to pay 87000around Or else I’ll be behind the bars . Then I got a WhatsApp message for same using a picture of advocate Hemant mittal as their whatsapp profile picture .

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