Fraud company VR ENTERPRISE

Name of Complainant Amandeep Kaur
Date of ComplaintJuly 10, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Amandeep Kaur:

 register in online job of Vr enterprises. I have filled 155 form then i searched on net nd stop doing that job and blocked all numbers but know after a week an email received which is of advocate that is complaint against me. This company is fraud. I want strict action is taken against this company. Advocate tell me I’m sent the paper on your address and uh come to court. Please help me I’m belong poor family that lockdown loss my job that why I’m applying on quirk. Now he tell me you have to paid 1lac or 2lac. I’m now depression. Please help me?

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Fraud company VR ENTERPRISE

8 thoughts on “Fraud company VR ENTERPRISE

  1. Hi Amandeep Kaur,
    Have you got any solution on that or any action taken by complaint court? as I just seen your compliant for the same company that is doing blackmail to my sister for money who applied.

    Thia VR enterprises is fraud company. First making call and told it is safe to work with us and no charge will apply. It is free of cost.
    She asked for aadhar card details told it will use for registration and you will get one OTP to complete registration. Once OTP given after that lot of threat calls coming and asking for money whereas no work given to complete (data entry).
    When told you are blackmailing whereas no data filling work given, then they are continuously threatening.

    1. Sorry to hear that you are in such crisis. As of now, tell VR Enterprise that you will not pay anything and that infact you would file a police complaint against them. Even if they threaten you, record their conversation and say that now you have proof against them and that you will go to the police to get them arrested.
      Don’t fear. Fight for yourself and then when you see someone else in the same situation, tell them to be brave. If we all give it to them in a harsh way, they will understand that they can not extract money from anyone.

    2. Hello these same things are also done with me they are changing there name and court address also. This is a fake company which is threatening to the people. Plzz don’t pay any money to this company this is totally fake.

  2. Same problem for me also i applied quicker online data entry job. I got call from their representate he told me no need registration money after finish work they will deduct service charge i agreed then they register via mobile OTP. After finish work i check there are few errors can’t able to complete final submition. Suddenly they lock my user id. I called their help line they said time is over now wait for call. I feel very bad. After check the reviews here. What to do next?

  3. V R Enterprises is under surveillance of Gujarat cyber police….they have taken lakhs of rupees from innocent people from all over india. complete organisation and people are fake. they change their identity and contact numbers customer to customer. I took all details of them and noted down. I am going to forward to Vapi and Ahemedabad SP office and collector too.

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