Fraud by Skexxa Technology Private limited

Name of Complainant Sanjeeb
Date of ComplaintJanuary 8, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Sanjeeb:

I have received a WhatsApp and asked to join telegram and some task given to me. After some time some prepaid task given to me and asked me to pay. I have paid, and after completing the task some profit given and refunded. Again asked me to pay for prepaid task. Got some profit but unable to get refund. The account was freeze. Asked me to pay again to unfreeze. I have paid and tried to get refund but told that score is 70 and I have to paid to get 30 score. I have paid but after that also unable to withdraw since I have to give tax. I have paid tax also. After that also unable to withdraw. They said I have to pay more to activate large payment channel. One of there agent Dharmasi Ramarao communicate with me and asked me to pay 25000 for opening large payment channel and promised me that I will get refund. But after that also not refunded. In the whole process Rs 368460 including profit of around 30000 stucked.
Please look after the matter and take necessary action to get refund of my fund and to withdraw the licence of this fraud company.

Image Uploaded by Sanjeeb:

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