Flipkart Paylater

Name of Complainant Kumar M
Date of ComplaintJuly 9, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by Kumar M:

Hi I have used Paylater option before 2019 in Flipkart and closed it by clearing all dues without any balance. To my surprise Flipkart has taken loan in my name for 60,000 for Paylater and didn’t pay to IDFC bank. I came to know this when I applied for loan with my axis Bank that my name is in defaulters list and i was shocked to look into it as it was the first time i learner such a bank (IDFC) exists and then i followed up in 2020 and one nice acting executive from Flipkart said they have cleared my dues with idfc and it will reflect as paid but till today there is amount pending and my credit score has gone for a toss and am not able to apply for any plans for my necessities. It’s been almost 2 years since I raised a complaint with Flipkart but till date no resolution given customer support executives disconnect the call when asked to transfer to senior/manager . I followed up with cibil and raised a dispute as well and they directed me to contact IDFC bank and when i contacted them they indeed conformed that Flipkart has taken loan from them and the amount that is pending is the interest of the original amount which they 2aived off after making me defaulter. So the initial agent from Flipkart who told they paid the money back is a lie and just tricked me into believing they paid just to close the issue and get good rating from customer(me). So I want the issue to be closed and i have to be compensated fairly for all the harassment because of this.

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Flipkart Paylater

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