E-cpt.com Captcha job fraud agreement with placement india.com

Name of Complainant Amit kumar sharm
Date of ComplaintMay 13, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Amit kumar sharm:

Both the companies mentioned above have betrayed me. They made it a registration without showing me the agreement on the web link. Then sent me the login id and password. When I did login, I am dissatisfied with the way the companies were doing the job and it appears to me as a fraud company. I tried to block them so that unemployed youth could save their future. I tried to contact the two companies immediately after sending an agreement on my personal email, but neither did he nor any employee of e-cpt.com nor any employee of e-cpt.com had called me. Tried to contact, but no one picked up the call. When I clicked the link in the email, it directly appeared as “your agreement has been signed.” when I did not even see any copy of what is written in the agreement, nor was it sent to my email which is not covered by the indian law.

Image Uploaded by Amit kumar sharm:

E-cpt.com Captcha job fraud agreement with placement india.com

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