Donaz Loan – loan not closed after payment of 2 times. continuous harassments trough WhatsApp

Name of Complainant NITHIN V P
Date of ComplaintMay 10, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by NITHIN V P:

This is Nithin, I have applied loan through Donaz Loan but they credited the amount without informing interest etc. They have credited the amount Rs.3300/- on 24-04-2022 and repayment date will be 6 days (29-04-2022) Rs.6000/-. I know that, they are cheated me and I have decided to pay Rs.6000/- on 29-04-2022. But they are started to sending wrong messages to my contact numbers through WhatsApp (as rapper).

I have paid the amount Rs.6000/- on 29-04-2022 and share the screenshot to them but they not close the loan same day, next day another send WhatsApp messages to me regarding repayment I have informed to them already paid and send the screen shot. daily same process is going since 29-04-2022 and amount increasing in the app. So i have already sent mail to customer care ( but no response.

So I have contacted to customer care number which was got from google (8159881648) and told my problems , they told that if i want to close the loan then do the payment with penalty Rs.7800/- after that they will close the loan and refund Rs.6000/-. So I have paid Rs.7800/- on 05-05-2022 for closing the loan anyway. But till now my loan not closed and refund also not came. Application showing penalty amount. So please take needful actions for solve this problems and refund the amount Rs.7800/-

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