I shanaz Bano loan Account number DMI0008311426 I have to take a consumer loan from DMI finance on 12/08/2020 for 8months my EMI start from 05/09/2020 to 05/04/2021 I have to pay all EMI timely but Last emi on April 2021 DMI finance not debit from my account I have sufficient funds I have to already inform DMI finance on 06/04/2021 though email but not respond affer that my phone have to lock on 10/04/2021 then I have to pay though online by my debit Card TXN Date
10 Apr2021
by debit card-SBIPG
Pay Mumbai-
521.19 then unlock and I have to pay all EMI but in DMI finance portal already showing that I have more due 1034 rupees how it’s possible sir/madam my all EMI paid September 2020 to Appril 2021 sir/madam all EMI paid please as possible as soon solve it
Loan Account number DMI0008311426