Delivery of incomplete order and after replacement order, product has not been received

Name of Complainant Kamlesh Kumar Jain
Date of ComplaintOctober 16, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by Kamlesh Kumar Jain:

I had ordered “Safari Polyester 20 Inches, 24 Inches and 28 Inches Soft Trolley Bag (Pack of 3)
(Relay Redset_Red)” with Amazon on 25.09.2021 [Order No. ORDER # 171-2500786-6647524]. It was delivered on 01.08.2021 but with utter surprise only one bag was delivered out of 3 (set of 3), however, payment of Rs. 8400/- for set of 3 bags was made. It came to notice when the package was opened.
I contacted Amazon Customer Care Centre. It was told that it will be replaced within two days and they are making order of replacement. They generated order for replacement No. # 171-2500786-6647524 on the same day with promise that the received bag will be picked up by them and full set (3 bags) will be delivered within two days.
When I did not receive it even after 8 days, I again contacted Customer Care centre of Amazon. The person who talked told that “You have to courier/send the bag received on your own expenses which will be although refunded by Amazon”.
Sir, after passing of 8 days, this reply of Amazon is very shocked and irresponsible. The responsibility of delivery, pick up and replacement is of Company only and it has never been seen that customer has to send back the item which was delivered wrongly or incomplete for the mistake done by Company. I replied that I am not going to send/dispatch the item and it has to be picked up by Amazon or their authorized representative and to be replaced with complete ordered product or alternatively, refund me total amount paid for the product.
Please help me and resolve the issue. Directions may be issued to Amazon either to pick up the item (bag) and replace it with 3 bags set or to refund me total amount paid for the product ordered i.e. Rs. 8400/-.
I am in urgent need to these bags else I have to buy the same from market.

Image Uploaded by Kamlesh Kumar Jain:

Delivery of incomplete order and after replacement order, product has not been received

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