Cyber Crime Scan banking transactions and confident scamming

Name of Complainant Manoj Sharma
Date of ComplaintAugust 31, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Banking
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Text of Complaint by Manoj Sharma:

Dear sir
The company name is Gour Trading private.
It was all started with the WhatsApp message.
Please to inform you I paid amount of rupees 453000 one multiple task and complete the requested tasks. Telegram customer care told me that after completion of all the tasks I can withdraw my money including commission, i.e. total amoun 8,69,548 and when I contacted customer service support, i.e. (Edward888888888888888) on telegram app they said I need to pay 20% deposit to withdraw all my money as this is huge amount, I told them to allow me withdraw 1-1 lakhs in 2 days but then they said according to money laundering act bank is asking for deposit after that all your money will be deposited in your account within 1-3 business days including the deposit will be refunded.
please guide me how to deal with this and get my money back.

Image Uploaded by Manoj Sharma:

Cyber Crime Scan banking transactions and confident scamming

3 thoughts on “Cyber Crime Scan banking transactions and confident scamming

  1. Is there any solution you got….because recently i am in to this mess with this same company….and i want a solution

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