Creditt loan app

Name of Complainant Rajesh Gupta
Date of ComplaintMarch 7, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Rajesh Gupta:

  1. Dear sir..I am rajesh Guptha..I have been literally harassed by the loan app creditt. They have collected huge money from me like interest and penalty and including processing fees.

They have tortured and harassed me mentally and also they have taken all contacts from my cell phone and sent messages over watsapp to all my contact list.

I am in a position of loosing my job after they sent all messages to company colleagues and higher officials.

Please take necessary action agaimest them.

App link is

Image Uploaded by Rajesh Gupta:

Creditt loan app

12 thoughts on “Creditt loan app

  1. Dear Sir/Mam, This is Christina due to some personal health issue was unable to pay creditt loan amount from Creditt loan app and they are harrasing me, my contacts, my family members & my colleague i requested them to give me time so that i will pay in 2 EMI but still they are forcing me to pay now only i dont have money to pay.

    1. Hi …I have also faced the same issue …I lost my job also with this fucking creditt app…How you are dealing this issue ..pls can you suggest me if any

      1. I am facing the same issue. If this Creditt app is RBI registered which they claim to, they cannot contact our whole phonebook list for our payments. I told them that by coming salary, I’ll pay the amount but the executive was like ab tu dekh main kaise paise wasool karta hu n all. I said Okay and then he sent whatsapp messages to all my contacts. I simply put whatsapp status stating that if you receive any messages regarding me, please ignore and block the number. My contact were smart enough and they handled it smartly. I was genuine but still they chose this way. Now I am going to complain against them and will not pay until they apologies for this.

  2. Dear Sir/Mam, This is Bala due to some personal health issue was unable to pay creditt loan amount from Creditt loan app and they are harrasing me, my contacts, my family members & my colleague i requested them to give me time they are forcing me to pay now only i dont have money to pay.
    I have been literally harassed by the loan app creditt. They have collected huge money from me like interest and penalty and including processing fees.
    They have tortured and harassed me mentally and also they have taken all contacts from my cell phone and sent messages over watsapp to all my contact list.

    they sent all messages to company colleagues and higher officials.

    Please take necessary action against them.

    1. Add this all to google play store app as a comment and give one star negative comments affects them a lots

  3. Dear Sir/Mam, This is Senthil due to some personal committment I am unable to pay creditt loan amount from Creditt loan app and they are harrasing me, my contacts, my family members & my colleague i requested them to give me time they are forcing me to pay now only i dont have money to pay.
    I have been literally harassed by the loan app creditt.
    They have tortured and harassed me mentally and also they have taken all contacts from my cell phone and sent messages over watsapp to all my contact list.

    they sent all messages to company colleagues and higher officials.

    Please take necessary action against them.

  4. This is very rude and running by goon application.they immediately call all contacts in phone.This causes a lot of issues and the language is very very bad,strict action to be taken to bann this application.

  5. I have taken a loan from Creditt and i they have debited the loan amount twice (₹12,684) if I ask for refund no one is responding to my calls text and email. They are declining my calls and blocking me. I need a solution for this ASAP.

  6. Dear Sir/Mam, This is Neeraj due to some personal committment I am unable to pay creditt loan amount from Creditt loan app and still clear the 20000 from 22000 loan amount and they are harrasing me, my contacts, my family members & my colleague for remaining amount i requested them to give me time they are forcing me to pay now only i dont have money to pay.
    I have been literally harassed by the loan app creditt.
    They have tortured and harassed me mentally and also they have taken all contacts from my cell phone and sent messages over watsapp to all my contact list.

    they sent all messages to company colleagues and higher officials.

    Please take necessary action against them.

  7. Dear Sir/Mam, This is Veerendra due to some personal committment I am unable to pay creditt loan amount from Creditt loan app and still clear the 24600from 34000 loan amount and they are harrasing me, my contacts, my family members & my colleague for remaining amount i requested them to give me time they are forcing me to pay now only i dont have money to pay.
    I have been literally harassed by the loan app creditt.
    They have tortured and harassed me mentally and also they have taken all contacts from my cell phone and sent messages over watsapp to all my contact list.

    they sent all messages to company colleagues and higher officials.

    Please take necessary action against them.

  8. Dear Sir/Mam, Due to some personal commitment i Had taken a loan from Creditt loan app of Rs. 15000 and cleared the same the but now they are asking me to pay additional interest of 8,500 and they are harassing me, my contacts, my family members & my colleague for the interest amount i requested them to settle at a lesser amount as i have already given back the principal taken but they are not listening me and forcing me to pay the full amount and I don’t have money to pay.
    I have been literally harassed by the loan app creditt.
    They have tortured and harassed me mentally and also they have taken all contacts from my cell phone and sent messages over whatsapp to all my contact list.

    they sent all messages to company colleagues and higher officials.

    Please take necessary action against them. I am in a big problem please help


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