Cooperative electronics ltd fraud online company

Name of Complainant priyakumar G
Date of ComplaintJune 5, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Electronic Appliances
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Text of Complaint by priyakumar G:

seen one advertise on Facebook which was giving mobile phone and more products in cheap rate.The company name is Cooperative Electronics LTD,Address-152 Stoke Newington Rd, London, N16 7XA and Mobile No. +44 7508791428.

Sales Manager name : Johnson Smith

He sent me all his details like ID card companies registration and everything So i bought iphone 11 costing rupees 25000/- and paid token amount rupees 5000/- after that he promises me that they will deliver my product in 3 days and sent me the tracking number of my product to track my shipment. The shipping company name was Bells Cargo Logistics. After waiting 3 days on tracking site my product was showing in india but it was on hold and Indian custom demanding for full amount paid receipt I immediately messaged Johnson to inform him because he said the remaining amount will be paid after receiving the product. Then he said India custom asking for full payment. So I paid full payment…

After I paid full amount again he ask for clearence amount…  I also paid that amount…  But I don’t receive my product or money…

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Cooperative electronics ltd fraud online company

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