Complaint – Serious injury due to bus door malfunction on 10 feb’24- Jaipur to Gurgaon

Name of Complainant Mukesh Nehra
Date of ComplaintFebruary 14, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by Mukesh Nehra:

I wrote the below complaint to the Nuego bus service but did not receive any response

I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction and concern regarding a serious incident that occurred on my family’s journey on your electric bus on 10 feb’24 from jaipur to gurgaon

While boarding the bus with my family, the automatic door malfunctioned and closed on my sister’s hand before she could fully enter the bus. This caused her hand to be severely injured, swollen, and bleeding. We are unsure if the injury is even fractured at this time.

To our dismay, the bus staff was completely unprepared to handle the situation. They displayed a lack of urgency and offered no solutions besides making excuses. Additionally, their claim that the first-aid kit was empty is unacceptable and raises serious concerns about your company’s preparedness for emergencies.

It has now been over 45 minutes since the incident occurred, and despite the severity of the injury, the bus staff has made no effort to locate a medical store or provide even basic first aid. This further demonstrates a complete disregard for passenger safety and well-being.

This incident is entirely unacceptable and falls far below the standard of care we expect from any transportation service, especially one claiming to be premium and reliable. The lack of preparedness, communication, and basic empathy displayed by the staff is deeply concerning.

Attached to this email, you will find the journey ticket, photographic evidence of my sister’s injury and the broken phone, both caused by this incident.

We demand immediate action to address this situation. This includes:

Ensuring my sister receives immediate medical attention.
A thorough investigation into the cause of the door malfunction and any safety violations.
Appropriate compensation for the physical and emotional trauma caused to my sister.
Assurance that appropriate steps are taken to prevent such incidents from happening again.
We will be pursuing all available avenues to make a formal complaint, including filing a case with the consumer forum.

We expect a prompt and comprehensive response to this email outlining the steps you will take to address our concerns.

Image Uploaded by Mukesh Nehra:

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