Complaint is against loan apps Star loan , handy loan and cartel loan .

Name of Complainant Deepankar verma
Date of ComplaintApril 3, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Banking
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Text of Complaint by Deepankar verma:

I took loan from these apps , star loan , handy loan and cartel loan .
After submitting request , after 2 days loan was disbursed of 5k and out of 5k these apps only transfered 2750 inr and repayment period was of 7 days .

These guys started calling on 6th day to return payment else they will morph my image and circulate it on social media and send to my contact .

Then I came to know that once we install these apps , they get access to our contacts and then they copy our complete contact book .

So on 7th day they sent my aadhar card , which I submitted as kyc and on that aadhar card image they wrote ” rappeD 5 YEAR OLD GIRL AND LOAN CHOR ”
And they also sent this image to my contacts .

I received multiple whatsapp calls from different numbers , minimum 20 such numbers.
They sent me payment link and asked to pay on that link and on calls I made payment on that link and then they said it will update in our system in a while .

But after an hour I again started receiving whatsapp calls from them for payment but I said I payed and shares them screenshot . Then I guy said u have to make payment in app , not on link.

I said you guys only asked me to make payment on link then this guy said I don’t you have to pay through all else I will share your mother sister edited images on social media .

After searching about this company I came to know that it’s current account is registered in Mumbai axis Bank branch .
A/C 919010091610348 IFSC CODE UTIB0000004

It’s not nbfc registered and worst part is this company is being operated from Pakistan.

These guys only make whatsapp calls , when you make normal calls on these numbers owner said my whatsapp was hacked and I am not able to log in in my whatsapp account .

Then I figured it out that this company hacks whatsapp nos of village persons and then they use it for extortion .

Recent my mistake I just filled information on one loan app cartel loan from playstore and then I deleted it .

But after 2 days 2750 inr was credited in my account from this company and when they called on 6th day I said without notification you guys transfered 2750 so I am returning it bug they asked for 5k . Still i said ok and tried making payment from cartel loan app but it’s payment gateway was not working properly so payment via app was not possible .

I shared them screenshots for 2 days regularly so they asked me to pay on link that they are giving but I said I am not gonna make payment on any link .

Then next day these persons started giving me and my family rappe threats and also circulated my edited aadhar card and image with text written rapped a 5 year old girl .

So take action against this different apps on same company easy credit as it is a Pakistan based and on the other hand its stealing private and sensitive data from our phones and using it to extort money .

Image Uploaded by Deepankar verma:

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