Applied for postpaid to prepaid for Vodafone number in February along with the payment of bill. Besides they are providing me monthly bill till June.

Name of Complainant Gurpreet singh saggu
Date of ComplaintJune 17, 2018
Name(s) of companies complained against ,
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by Gurpreet singh saggu:

I applied for Post-paid to Pre-paid services on number 7355022352 in leela bhawan, Vodafone Store,Patiala, Punab. I paid the complete bill  of 840 rs and submit the request along with Adhar card proof. They gave a Vodafone Sim, which was assumed to be active within 24hrs as prepaid number.

I visited the store again as didn’t get signal in the new sim. They gave new sim again, this was repeated almost 4times. As i want the same number 7355022352 as prepaid number.

This was the extreme of harassment by Vodafone. They are still calling me again and again, i used to describe the whole secneario to each person. Insted of taking any step regarding de-activation of Sim, they asked for the payment of bill for the amount as i am not using the postpaid sim and besides applied in written for the de-activation along with complete documents and payment of due bill.

Please take care of the issue.

Image Uploaded by Gurpreet singh saggu:

Applied for postpaid to prepaid for Vodafone number in February along with the payment of bill. Besides they are providing me monthly bill till June.

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