Name of Complainant | |
Date of Complaint | June 24, 2020 |
Name(s) of companies complained against | Amazon |
Category of complaint | E-Com & Retail |
Permanent link of complaint | Right click to copy link |
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I’m very much disappointed to write this concern and anticipate proper support from your end to resolve my issue.
My concerns are here:
1. Once my order ( ORDER # 403-3384696-8949928 ) has reached the local
courier facility ( MALLAPPALLY MPY,, Kerala IN ) located near to my
house, I received a call from *EComExpress *delivery person () and asked
me to come and collect the item from other location since my house location
was not covered under his route. I informed the same thing to Amazon
Customer service at the same moment and as a follow-up, *Amazon* assured
me that Item would be delivered to my door-step by next day. However next
day onwards, it was shown “*Delivery attempted*” message in Amazon
tracking site without attempting for delivery. All the proceeding days, I
called Amazon and asked about the status, and every time *Amazon *assured
me that It would be delivered. But the same “Delivery attempt” message
shown for the next four days, followed by that site got updated with the
message “Ïtem return to seller”. So I wait for the refund and after I
received the refund, I contacted the Amazon service team and enquired about
the reason for the item return. In that case, the reply from amazon
disappointed me and Amazon updated me that Item returns to the seller since
it was damaged.* So my question, if the delivery team knows that the
item was damaged, why they called me and asked to pick up the item from
another location.?*. *Why Amazon gave me wrong updates on item return
without an attempt for a deliver even after the item reached in Courier
facility?. Why Amazon gave me a false hope saying that Item would be
delivered on or before the expected delivery time when I update Customer
service that the Courier facility team was not ready to the delivery item?*
2. *The same story happened in my second order ( ORDER
# 403-8995878-0312321 ). This time, I canceled the order because I got
frustrated with the response from Amazon Customer service when I updated
them that Item has reached the local courier facility ( MALLAPPALLY MPY,,
Kerala IN )and there was no delivery scheduled from the local courier
3. *Now two of my order ( ORDER # 403-5109873-4065932, ORDER
# 403-7302051-6524306 )reached the same local courier facility
MPY,, Kerala IN. However, now both orders showing the status “There is an
the issue to deliver the item.”
Every time I called Amazon Customer service, I was getting a false assurance from the Amazon Service team that the item would be delivered before or on estimated time. Please see the below emails from your team.
1. Why Amazon gave false hope to their Customer and asking them to wait for more time to get the item delivered.
2. Why the Amazon team can’t contact the Delivery team and do proper steps to address customer concerns. None of my complaints addressed properly. Why there is no ticketing system for the complaint?
3. I kindly request amazon to consider all inconvenience caused in this regard and issue compensation. Otherwise, if Amazon can’t commit delivery today, what would be the next step?. I’m not ready to cancel the order from my side.
*Thanking you in anticipation.*
With Regards,
Image Uploaded by ShibuThomas: