About fraudsters DFX Enterprise who ask for money in the name of online form filling job.

Name of Complainant Shivalika
Date of ComplaintJune 18, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Shivalika:

Hlo Sir/Madam …Shivalika here….. Actually I received a call from a company called DFX Enterprise . They made me a call & offered an online form filling job where I had to complete 700 pages in 7 days with 90% accuracy.

I did the registration with that company but they will ask for 4700rs. as registration fee (which I’m not aware with it.) after the 7 days of the registration.

Now ..I want to cancel that registration otherwise they will file a complaint against me to pay such amount. Plzz help me anyway you can & just protect me and yes my family also with this fake company .

Image Uploaded by Shivalika:

About fraudsters DFX Enterprise who ask for money in the name of online form filling job.

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