www.alomorate.com, Alamo India draft house

Name of Complainant Veeresh Hiremath
Date of ComplaintJanuary 27, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against ,
Category of complaint Entertainment
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Text of Complaint by Veeresh Hiremath:

Someone will text you like are you interested in part time job? if you say yes next day you will receive text in telegram that we have got your part time job offer from some agencies. 1st day they will give you training with payment of around rs 900. 1st they will guide you to signup to www.alamorate.com and they will create a working account, in that they will deposit 10000 of trail balance, and guides us to rate the movies every one review will give you commission these are like 30 reviews in a set and you have to complete it. so you will get around 900rs in training round, you can add your bank details and you can withdraw. Next they will add you to a group of some 25 people some people will share the screenshot of withdrawal just to gain your trust all are from same group . From next day they will insist you to deposit 10k for order receiving on their website, they will give you account details of unknown merchants and you have to deposit after some time deposited amount will show you in your working account on their website and you have to give rating and review on the movies they show, 30 movies in a set and you have to complete 3 rounds like 90 movies, so including your commission you will get around 5000 after you can withdraw it to your bank account. Next day also same here they start to show there game. we need to contact their Customer support which the provide and that customer service will share you some merchant’s account details and you have to deposit 10000 into their account, after 10 or 11 reviews suddenly your account balance goes negative to around 22k to 25000 again we need to deposit to adjust that negative after that only you can continue your work and you can withdraw. 3rd day same thing but this time your negative will reach around 40000, if you top-up the negative why because your money is stuck so again you will start the work again it will go negative around 75 to 80000 now your completely stuck. They call it superior movie rating which costs high. 1 to 5 superior movie rating in a single set of 30 movie rating the real scam starts on 3rd day and negative will go on. I Have lost around 50,000 and stopped it there only otherwise i would have lost my hard earned money. This is totally a scam, the saddest part is I took loan to clear this 50000 which I lend from someone.

Image Uploaded by Veeresh Hiremath:

www.alomorate.com, Alamo India draft house

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