Wisdom Write Technology fraud

Name of Complainant Rishabh Bharti
Date of ComplaintNovember 4, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by Rishabh Bharti:

I receved a call on 7th october 2020. She tell me about componey schme that they will pay me 2250 rupeesĀ  after one week when i complete the 700 forms. They send me some imeges of work and proof of payment . After 6 day I feeled 600 forms then iĀ  tried to call the provider and she did not recive my call. I call that person who payd from them but the number was not working. I stopped work then after some days 2/11/2020 a person call me and say that he is a lawyer and compeny cased on me to breeching contract. He said me to pay 5550 Rupees for the loss of compeny OR I have to face it ligely. If i caught guilty I have to pay 55thousand Rupees and be in custedy . plese help me to get out of this.

Image Uploaded by Rishabh Bharti:

Wisdom Write Technology fraud

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