Typing job fraud.

Name of Complainant Jyoti
Date of ComplaintJuly 1, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by Jyoti:

They will provide you details that their company is MCA registered and they will pay around 2400 Rs daily or 8500 Rs weekly. But when you tell them I want to start they will say that pay 80Rs as a documentation fee after you paid 80Rs a small fee then they will say to pay 750 Rs or 1900 Rs for plans for a security deposit. It’s a tarp that they don’t tell you in the beginning and then grab your hard-earned money. Also, the contact Numbers( all 4) they provide are also out of service. Guys be wise in taking these free-lancing jobs. When u tried say to talk on call, they will always say that I’m busy now. You can even see that on the file that I have uploaded.

Image Uploaded by Jyoti:

Typing job fraud.

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