The loan provider calling again and again and harassing and threatening using abusive language

Name of Complainant Nishi
Date of ComplaintMay 17, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against ,
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Nishi:

I had applied for a small loan via handy loan app. The repayment date is the day after but kept on calling me again and again, using abusive

language, threatening and harassing me and my friend by using abusive language. Also called my family and threatened them. The interest rates they are providing are also very high. I need the concerned person to take strict actions towards them to demean the integrity of me and my friend. Also sending horid voice notes
Through whatsApp and hacking my information through the cell phone.

Image Uploaded by Nishi:

The loan provider calling again and again and harassing and threatening using abusive language

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