Telegram Fraud

Name of Complainant H
Date of ComplaintJuly 16, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by H:

There is channel in name of Goa Carding (Prem Prakash Gupta).

He is selling cheep electronics good with pictures and so called user received videos. he often through attractive deals  to attract buyer.

He also offer that give 1000 as order booking, get courier tracking number and pay remaining to send to product.

After payment they definitely give tracking number and website of courier and even get SMS alert however everything is fake, web site with fake Mobile and E-Mail address.

So after making payment you will get to know that you lost money and by this trick he is making huge money every day.

I have read such compliant in past however wanted to check hence place small amount order and found that everything is fake. so be aware of such fraud before you make big amount payment.

Goa Carding is just example there may be such 1000 of channel on various name and they most use google news of custom officer case in there favor by keeping display name same as custom officer name  to give you confidence that they have goods with them and same got it from custom department only

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Telegram Fraud

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