
Name of Complainant Ruchi
Date of ComplaintFebruary 20, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Utilities
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Text of Complaint by Ruchi:

Have used TALKCHARGE to load the money in their wallet and every month they give cash back that you can used to pay bills , recharges etc. From past few weeks, all of sudden all the transactions getting failed and they are forcing you to buy their 14999 priority pass in order to make successful recharges , bill payments etc. If you dont have priority pass then all your transactions get failed and your wallet money is stucked now , you can’t use it neither you withdraw or transfer to your bank account . Moreover for past few months they have added heavy convenience fee in all the transactions and this was not informed to the customers. Bottomline this is scam or some fraud now , and customers are unsure on their money which is in the wallet .. its huge amount . Somebody please help.

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