
Flight cancellation amount is not refund

Name of Complainant Peraswamy
Date of ComplaintJanuary 16, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Airlines
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

I have booked a ticket from Chennai to Silchar connecting flights one way booking date on  dated 2th November, 2020 and jurney  date as on 28th Nov 2020 booking referance number is 248066348 the amount is ₹6126.00 they cancelled my booking  due to fare expiration and they did not refund my money till date now […]


my ticket canclled by travolook but still my refund not received i had booked ticket on 27-11-2020 till date refund not received. when i had called to travolook then said money refund with in 15 days but here gone 41 days

Name of Complainant sahil sumesh kapoor
Date of ComplaintJanuary 9, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Airlines
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

my ticket canclled by travolook but still my refund not received i had booked ticket on 27-11-2020 till date refund not received. when i had called to travolook then said money refund with in 15 days but here gone 41 days Referance no is:-REF299121424 my ticket canclled by travolook but still my refund not received […]