Karthis ecommerce pvt ltd

Cyber fraud

Name of Complainant Devender Sharma
Date of ComplaintMay 8, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against ,
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

Many a times i got a spemy message or WhatsApp again again to pay a loan which I have never taken . After some time they are saying me to pay loan otherwise force to make my porn or nude pics or videos to my family or relatives Cyber fraud was last modified: May 8th, […]


Cyber fraud

Name of Complainant Devender Sharma
Date of ComplaintMay 2, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

I didn’t take any loan from these but still i am receiving 3 to 4 messages daily from different numbers from WhatsApp and normal messages to pay the loan amount if your not make the pay we will contact your family members.if block that number they send a messages through WhatsApp in different number i […]


Harassment and threatening

Name of Complainant Kalpana
Date of ComplaintApril 24, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

I am getting a messages from the company called Karthis Ecommerce Pvt Ltd. Stating that my loan is over due and kindly pay on time. But I havent used or applied such loans to this company. Kindly take immediate action. Harassment and threatening was last modified: April 24th, 2023 by Consumer Court


I’m getting a fake repayment message from Karthis eCommerce pvt Ltd

Name of Complainant Ranga prasanthi
Date of ComplaintApril 21, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

From morning iam getting messages in WhatsApp and normal messages that I have to pay repayment.but I never took any type of loan from them I’m getting a fake repayment message from Karthis eCommerce pvt Ltd was last modified: April 21st, 2023 by Consumer Court



Name of Complainant Charles david
Date of ComplaintOctober 20, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

I’m getting whatsApp, calls and messages from this company and it’s goondas saying that if I don’t pay the loan amount on time then they will contact my family and all my contacts. The name of the company is Karthis Ecommerce Pvt. Ltd. I have not taken or received any such loans from this company. […]


Harassment by good rupee karthis ecommerce pvt Ltd

Name of Complainant Sunny mitra
Date of ComplaintOctober 18, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against ,
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

Hello I’m not taking any kind of loan from good rupee , I only visit their app and see they have very short time tenure so I leave,but those people’s threatened me that you taking loan if you do not repay we will contact to your family, I want strict action against this kind of […]


Fake loan aggrement

Name of Complainant Ritik
Date of ComplaintOctober 15, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against ,
Category of complaint Investments
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

I didn’t have apply any loan and they are showing loan repayment and also I didn’t receive any type of amount in my account they told me that pay the loan to avoid contact your family Fake loan aggrement was last modified: October 15th, 2022 by Consumer Court


Cash credit and goodrupee loans fake messages and WhatsApp messages

Name of Complainant B Niranjanreddy
Date of ComplaintOctober 12, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

Hello Sir,My name is B Niranjanreddy. My mobile number 8919677098. I receiving the fake msges from Karthis Ecommerce pvt ltd. Your loan is due pay the amount with in 20 mins if you are not paying the money I will contact your family. They are stolen my contact details and photos with my facebook. They […]


Fake loan apps of cash credit and goodrupee

Name of Complainant B Niranjanreddy
Date of ComplaintOctober 12, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

Hello Sir, My name is Niranjan Reddy.I received msges from karthis Ecommerce pvt LTD.your loan is due showing I am not taking any from goodrupee,cash credit. These are harassing me please help Fake loan apps of cash credit and goodrupee was last modified: October 12th, 2022 by Consumer Court


Getting fraud message for paying loan due

Name of Complainant Atul R Pandey
Date of ComplaintOctober 10, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Banking
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

I’m getting random SMS’s and whatsapp messages from this so called company Karthis E-Commerce Pvt Ltd. They are threatening and harassing me to pay the amount .which I haven’t received any money as such. Please help me out from this disturbance and I’m getting messages that they will call up my contacts and family members. […]