
FM mall ordegn platform

Name of Complainant Mary Grace Docena
Date of ComplaintJuly 5, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Investments
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

I join this plat form as part-time job I invest 500 until gets higher amount just to finish the mission 10 I reach additional 400+ 1900+ , 2000+ and 9000 recharge just to finish the mission but the last need a 27968 pesos to finish the tasks then I ask a favor just to refund […]


Ask money every time to completed task but no withdrawal on completed each task ask after one more one more task completed to withdraw and amount are higher all next task

Name of Complainant Hemal Shah
Date of ComplaintApril 22, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Investments
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

Ask money every time to completed task but no withdrawal on completed each task ask after one more one more task completed to withdraw and amount are higher all next task . But not withdrawal if all task completed. Ask money every time to completed task but no withdrawal on completed each task ask after […]