ABFI shop

The company has ruined my 50 k / amount of money in purchasing of products in Abdi shop Ahsina Singh the name of the company agent which is fake

Name of Complainant Mohammad ehsan
Date of ComplaintMay 11, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

The company name Abfi I have invested my 50 k in this company and the name of the agent is Ahsina Singh which is fake. Has ruined my 50 k The company has ruined my 50 k / amount of money in purchasing of products in Abdi shop Ahsina Singh the name of the company […]


Abfi shop looted our money.. Fake

Name of Complainant Manoj Kumar R
Date of ComplaintMarch 12, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

I had invested 8000 rs and did not receive back any if my money back, the day i invested they stopped giving the money and WhatsApp group so they didn’t reply and removed us from the group.. Fake , big scam … Abfi shop looted our money.. Fake was last modified: March 12th, 2023 by […]


Malpractice regarding investment

Name of Complainant Kuntal Dutta
Date of ComplaintMarch 10, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link

ABFI was a company for investment. There was a app called ABFI from which people can invest their money in different products and get specific returns from there. For the same I have invested approximately 31000rs there after couple of weeks the company got closed certainly and my whole invested amount got vanished from there. […]