switcate.com fraud me for 68600

Name of Complainant Anuj Kumar
Date of ComplaintNovember 10, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Anuj Kumar:

A person name Ritushree from ScoopWhoop Indian Online Media Pvt. Ltd, Company (+91 92854 21895) contacted me and say Okay I will explain the work to you. These days our company cooperates with Restaurent owners who are willing to increase their popularity. Your role will be simply to review our restaurants on google map. You don’t have to pay any money for joining work. We will pay you Rs210 directly via UPI, Google Pay, Paytm, Phonepay or Bank. Any method you prefer. Then the person gave me a telegram link (https://t.me/Priyank63) someone named (@priyank63) to coordinate for the everyday task. Participate in the task tomorrow :
Complete 1-3 tasks [90 commission]
Complete 4-6 tasks [140 commission + 270 profit]
Complete 7-9 tasks [210 commission]
Complete 10-12 tasks [140 commission + 670 profit]
Complete 13-15 tasks [140 commission + 1470 profit with additional reward]
Complete 16-18 tasks [210 commission]
You can also get an additional 5,000 rupees reward for completing all in order every day. A total of 8,340 rupees can be obtainedand after every three tasks you will get your salary. After completing the first successful task they moved to a group on telegram named Freelance task grout 511 and group link is (https://t.me/+m1Zv7Qvyld1jNGZh)
After completing the the 5th task suddenly they switched us to an trading link switcate.com for 6th task where they made me pay Rs 1000 for 1410 return Rs7000 for a return of Rs8410, then Rs28000 for a return of Rs36400 and then Rs58000 for a return of Rs75400 UPI IDs: pipresara@icici (banking name: Mr Apesh Raghuwanshi), Shiddhivinayak3620@barodampay (banking name: Om Siddhi Vinayak Medical), Shiddhi122@centralbank (Om Siddhi Vinayak Medical Stores), Federal Bank Account Number: (13650100290896) Customer Name: Muhsin S V Branch Name: Manjeri Branch IFSC: FDRL0001365
TYPE:SAVINGS, jaidev8866@centralbank (banking name Jaidev) etc. After one transaction they would say the refund and commision together will be transferred to me after completing the next one. This same thing was said to me for all the above transactions. Finally when they had to transfer a total of Rs68600, they said due to some technical issues, I have to complete one last task of Rs 88000 for earning 40% extra When I disagreed they blackmailed me no refund would be made when you finish this task. I want to make a formal legal complaint about these people of switcate.com so that so other innocent people gets trapped again, beware!! Necessary screenshots are attached to this complaint providing the fraud they did.

Image Uploaded by Anuj Kumar:

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