Suspicious transaction in the name of Retail Domestic PT

Name of Complainant Ayush Singhvi
Date of ComplaintSeptember 26, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Ayush Singhvi:

I have received credit card statements with a debit of a ₹237.42 on 12-Aug-21 and ₹56.20 on 12-Sep-21.
However, I never made any such transaction to such party. Also the occurrence of the transaction to the same party on the same day of both the months makes it suspicious. Also I have not shared my card details, otp or cvv with anyone and also do not have any auto pay enabled.

Image Uploaded by Ayush Singhvi:

Suspicious transaction in the name of Retail Domestic PT

One thought on “Suspicious transaction in the name of Retail Domestic PT

  1. An amount of 7200 was charged by my debit card after going thru a payment gateway from and the payment went to RETAIL DOMESTIC PT BAIM . I later got no confirmation mail and no message on my phone . Complete fraud activity.

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