
Name of Complainant Sumit Prajapati
Date of ComplaintJanuary 2, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Miscellaneous
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Text of Complaint by Sumit Prajapati:

My name is Sumit Prajapati i have registed on buy a profile booster package of 3292rs..after that they asked me to pay more amount of 5192 tolding that its a part of subsription and they again demanded 9556/- rs for other services saying that i will not get any benifits so i paid and they they demaned rs 15928 saying if i not paid then it will go on auto mode and they will not be responsible i didnt had money so they asked me to pay through zestmoney i lost all my saving and salary and they didnt stop there again they called and said i have to pay rs 24779/- and blackmailed if i will not pay profile wi go on auto mode…this all happed today that is 31/12/1992. I lost all my saving i am already paying my home emi and taken personal loan also now my all saving gone and new EMI started on zestmoney pay…please help to get my money back.

I am attaching all email of order and invoice and transactions.

Image Uploaded by Sumit Prajapati: Fraud

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