
Name of Complainant Pratiksha
Date of ComplaintMay 2, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Pratiksha:

I’ve done the data entry job over the website resumetofill which I get to know over a social platform. They have provided me the QC reports in which they mentioned 72 resumes as wrongly filled.  According to them the format for mobile number should be 10 digit. Should not include +91 before that. But I’ve included as it was in the resume. In one resume they’ve approved it as correct and in another one they’re saying it wrong.  In this manner they’ve created reports showing 72 wrong entries where I’ve done all resumes in same format which is wrong according to them. And now they’re asking me to pay an amount of 5900 as per the agreement they made me to sign initially.  My complaint is the report they’ve created is wrong and asking me to pay for it. So I request to guide me on same.

Contact person from resumetofill is

Tanya sharma – 8866783398

Image Uploaded by Pratiksha:


One thought on “Resumetofill

  1. Do not pay a single penny to them bastard sane happend to me and i wrote only one single email to them and then they did not send any email. If anyone want my help i can help .
    my instaid wolvish._.mactavish feel free to contact me

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