Resumefilling company cheated me

Name of Complainant Pawan Kumrawat
Date of ComplaintDecember 14, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Pawan Kumrawat:

I am unemployee due to covid-19, I search Parti time work from home on website and resumefillinc company call me for work. I completed work before 7 days of 600 resume. after 7 days the told me that my work is not 90% accurate to I will be paid Rs 6500/- to resumefiling company otherwise the do court case on me. I paid 6500/-, after some time they again demand Rs. 4000/- for agreement canceliation charge otherwise the file FIR and case. I was very disturbed and I will take money borrow from my friends and paid him. but after some days I konwn that that was cheating with me. I showked. Can I recover My amount from company resumefilling and How.? pls help

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Resumefilling company cheated me

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