Regarding my balance deduction when I was having the data plan

Name of Complainant Lakshya
Date of ComplaintNovember 26, 2018
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by Lakshya:

My Airtel no which is 8271609494 was having a good amount of balance and also the data plan.but when my mb reached 70 then they start deduction with my main balance. I was very surprised to see balance .I called the customer care of Airtel but they told me that I have activated a balance deduction plan and when I opened it they started misbehaving with they were not listing to me properly and continus telling me number different number. My balane was 124 and after deduction it was 28 rupees only

Image Uploaded by Lakshya:

Regarding my balance deduction when I was having the data plan

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