Received a defective product from flipkart and the customer service executives are not cooperating for return/refund

Name of Complainant Shreya
Date of ComplaintJune 19, 2022
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Category of complaint Electronic Appliances
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Text of Complaint by Shreya:

Order ID – OD124910392528385000
Received my product on 11th May and I received a defective laptop which was not even switching on… Initiated for a replacement immediately but the replacement was never done…. Upon constant follow ups I was told that the technician will vist and check and then any actions will be taken for refund/return….the technician visited and confirmed that the laptop is defective and please raise a request for refund…its been a month now… I am constantly following up…. The customer service executives just hang up the call telling that they will transfer the call to a senior…
Not expected this from flipkart…
My money is stuck and a defective laptop…. My job is on stake due to this and I can’t even afford a new laptop right now…
I want this issue to be escalated and I want my refund ASAP.

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3 thoughts on “Received a defective product from flipkart and the customer service executives are not cooperating for return/refund

  1. Order ID – OD124833216916250000

    Received my product on 10th May and I received a defective Samsung Level U2 which was not Damage and Use Product … Initiated for a replacement immediately but the replacement was never done…. Upon constant follow ups I was told that the technician will visit and check and then any actions will be taken for refund/return….the technician visited and confirmed that the laptop is defective and please raise a request for refund…its been a month now… I am constantly following up…. The customer service executives just hang up the call telling that they will transfer the call to a senior…
    Not expected this from flipkart…
    My money is stuck and a Damage Samsung Level U2 …. My job is on stake due to this and I can’t even afford a new Samsung Level U2 right now…
    I want this issue to be escalated and I want my refund ASAP.

  2. m‌‌y mobile number-7014566017 order id-OD225223645832878000 the shoes used and shoes coulor falut and hand paint used shoes shole color and i return complaint shoes but delevery agent not ricive this product many return request cansel by delevery agent very bad ekart office in my area and delevery man very bad please help return my order not my order recive your agent i go all avedence and videos recoding court and case your company and ekart office and sucide last 2 weeks problems creat your delevry man i sucide and blem your company and area office

  3. I’m very dissatisfied with Order ID – OD225299356428173000, i have raised a complain about instant discount of 2000 rs (When I purchased Flipkart offered me that if i will place this order from HDFC Bank credit/debit card then 2000 rs instant discount will be applicable for this order, as per confirmation i have used my HDFC credit card but 18200 somthing debited from account instead of 16200rs, on same time I called Flipkart customer care as per executive confirmed me after delivery within 72 hrs discount amount will credit to my account but still date amount not credited) Today i have received a call from Flipkart executive and inform me rs-2000 discount amount will create to my Flipkart wallet but why in wallet i want my money back to my credit card account only, when I denided executive cancel my order and i have getting notifications that 15th of July product will pick and on 17 July 22 amount will refund to me (18026 rs and 6750 will be provided Flipkart gift card) means after picking my product i need to wait 2-3 days for money back then if i will purchase new phone i have to purchase from Flipkart only because for 6750 Flipkart card provide me as a gift card and also i need to wait more 4-5 days for delivery new phone to me, great resulation provided by Flipkart, kindly note i agree to return my vivo t1 pro 5g but i want my total money 24999 to my credit card account because I will purchase new phone from Amazon not from Flipkart, otherwise return my old phone when you schedule to pick this phone and refund 18200 rs instant to my account

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