PG Owner not returning Deposit after Vacancy

Name of Complainant Vishesh Mahendru
Date of ComplaintOctober 23, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Real Estate
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Text of Complaint by Vishesh Mahendru:

Hello, myself V, I was a paying guest at Seasta PG run by Mr. PK Pradhan in Newtown area at AI 10, Street 35, AI Block. I lived there for 3-4 months, now when I left, the guy is not returning the money and just trying to ignore my calls and messages. As it was a PG and not an apartment, he refused to provide any agreement document at first, but I still have a text confession for the same agreeing to return my deposit at which point he didn’t mention deducting anything from the 12,500 rupees deposit amount. After that when I left the place and asked for my Deposit money, He wanted to deduct some amount as I stayed an additional 5 days, and also for other things, which he didn’t say until I left the place, even then I agreed to it, that deduct whatever is required and send me back the remaining but now he is ignoring my calls and messages. I’m a student from outside, Please help me, kindly just give him a nudge and remind him of the law to return deposits. His mobile number is +91 89813 88517. I don’t even think he has a license to run a PG, kindly contact him and ask him to return my money back please, or he might have to face legal charges.

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PG Owner not returning Deposit after Vacancy

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