Dear Team Amazon,
I have a grevence against the bill payment of my no. 7208477247.
As per the generated bill on dated ’27th March’ 2021 of the period, ‘26.02.2021 to 25.03.2021’, which I have paid two times.
These are as follows….
1st time on Dated 14th April 2021 of amount Rs/- 471.00 through “Amazon Pay app”. The Bank reference ID is 110412541046.
2nd time on Dated 20th April 2021 of amount Rs/- 471.00 through “Amazon Pay app”. The Bank reference ID is 111013872992.
In this month, As per the generated bill on dated ’27th April’ 2021 of the period, ‘26.03.2021 to 25.04.2021’, it is showing that the previous bill is outstanding.
Please resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thanks & Regards,
Ashim Nandi