Over due is reflecting even though I don’t have loan it’s impacting my cibil score

Name of Complainant Kakanur Mahendra Reddy
Date of ComplaintMay 16, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Kakanur Mahendra Reddy:

I have not taken any loan from ARTHIMPACT DIGITAL LOANS PRIVATE LIMITED. But in CIBIL, showing loan outstanding of Rs. 500 from ARTHIMPACT DIGITAL LOANS PRIVATE LIMITED with late re-payments. Complained a lot of times nothing is happening but CIBIL score is going down.

Image Uploaded by Kakanur Mahendra Reddy:

3 thoughts on “Over due is reflecting even though I don’t have loan it’s impacting my cibil score

    1. Dear sir,

      I have to inform you that I am Govind Kumar I have not taken any loan from ARTHIMPACT DIGITAL LOANS PRIVATE LIMITED. But in CIBIL, showing loan outstanding of Rs.:-399 from ARTHIMPACT DIGITAL LOANS PRIVATE LIMITED with late re-payments. Complained a lot of times nothing is happening but CIBIL score is going down. If i am talking any loans so please contact me once time I facing many difficulties on my Cibil

      Loan account no:- ADL915518
      Date of opend:- 08-01-2020
      Mob no:- 7079667815
      Email ID:- govindku194@gmail.com

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