Online job fraud, Blackmailing

Name of Complainant Haripriya
Date of ComplaintJanuary 2, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Haripriya:

I got a whatsApp message from a consultant about form filling job, that they will provide 1400forms which I have to complete within 10days, and also they told me that I don’t need to pay registration fees 7100/- they will deduct it from my salary, so I agreed and sent my voters id image. After that I got a confirmation call and email with LICENSE AGREEMENT. Then I started working. But I couldn’t complete my work due to health issues. At the time I was being treated for asthma. So I informed them about my issue. Now they threatening me by sending messages, mail, and calls. I got a mail that I need to pay penalty amount otherwise they will proceed with the case and will have to pay 72105/- total. I don’t have a single penny for all these, please help me.

Image Uploaded by Haripriya:

Online job fraud, Blackmailing

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