Online fraud on telegram by coin switch

Name of Complainant Priyanka deshpande
Date of ComplaintDecember 6, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Priyanka deshpande:

I got asked to pay 4000 and the money came back then i was asked to pay 7000, then told me that i have made some error and then asked me to pay 29500 to unfreeze the account.

I paid 29500 then they said that there is a last ladder for 8800 to unfreeze the account then only you will get your 29500. All you have to do is pay 88000 to unfreeze your account.
They kept torturing me by saying i need to make urgent payments otherwise i will lose all my money
My account limit was exceeding, i transfered 19500 to one account they gave by CDM (cash deposit machine)so they said i can wait for one day and make the payment, after that next day they gave me multiple upi ids to pay and asked me to pay the remaining amount which was 68500
They gave me one upi for 50000 and another upi for 18500
After that they said i need to start withdrawing and said i need to start with 2000
My 2000 came back and then they said i have made some mistake in withdrawal and now my account is freeze. I need to pay exactly the same amount to unfreeze my account which is 124500
Now my money is blocked.

Image Uploaded by Priyanka deshpande:

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