Need to cancellation of my course and EMI loan

Name of Complainant Nagesh
Date of ComplaintJune 24, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Education
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Text of Complaint by Nagesh:

i am. NageshGD,i seen this skillync ad from linkedin application then i visit website and registerded live demo.And sales specialist in skilllync called me to take course i replied him about my financial background is very poor i am not interested in any paid courses sorry leave me, but after that he again called me and join course that i time i am haveing lot of future i accept and joint this course.

after the conversation they asked me to send the documents like aadhar, pan, bank passbook, for registration. i send those to them.

And also thay sayed 100% job carentied but after joind the course they sayed no 100% job caenty.

still i am not having the job i am not able to pay i want to cancel it.

i have raised the course cancellation request but they are not responding, after few weeks one executive called me about cancellation issue, they said that cancellation is not possible, continue your course we are giving a 10% discount specially to you. i am not interested please cancel it anyway.

they did not said at the time of joining there is no cancellation policy.
i have also contacted to grievence team also but they said that we are still working on your issue but they are not replied yet.

there are so many executives called me to convincing the course to continue but i said i want to cancel it immefiately all are said same thing we are working on your issue and they cutted the call and no reply from them.

skill lync contact number: 9122291222

email id:
Bengaluru Koramangala
Sony word

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One thought on “Need to cancellation of my course and EMI loan

  1. Hi Nagesh, we want to assure you that our goal at Skill Lync is to provide valuable upskilling opportunities that help students achieve their career goals and land their desired jobs. Our team will be reaching out to you to get a better understanding of what happened. You can also read about the experiences of other students on our Placement Dashboard here:

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