Money lost – Digital Silks Services working 18

Name of Complainant K Revathi Lalitha Kumari
Date of ComplaintJune 7, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by K Revathi Lalitha Kumari:

Initially I was given offer for partime job saying that on the completion of task we will get amount. The tasks are taking screenshot and investments. First day the amount of investment was low and they gave commission on that. Second day the investment was high and they insisted to invest 7,000 then, 12000 and then they asked me to deposit 1, 50,000 they torched me like anything and said if I don’t pay all losses of the merchant and other members get loss and I have to bear all those loss. I somehow got the money took from gold loan keeping in mind that all my amounts are released. But they came with a proposal one more top-up recharge 2,00,000 deposit, until I don’t pay that 3,00,000 only my amount will be refunded. I requested all of them but they were continuously insisting me to pay that 2,00,000 then only they will release my entire amount. In this way they took my money. When I said I don’t have and I can’t pay then they have holded my money and deleted their group account.

Image Uploaded by K Revathi Lalitha Kumari:

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