Loan Scam

Name of Complainant Praveen
Date of ComplaintApril 5, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Praveen:

Today on 3 Apr, 2023 I came across an ad on facebook of sweet money app for instant loan. I searched on playstore and found no wrong comment or bad reviews about the app so I installed it. It is using Naman Finlease Pvt Ltd company name, as per google search results it is an old company in delhi. After installing, To check loan eligibility I proceeded further and uploaded my aadhaar and pan card. I entered my A/c details for loan amount to be credit. I filled the form and waited for the loan offer but it asks to wait until your request is reviewed. Do not uninstall this app in the mean time. I found this unusual as I have heard of so many scams everywhere. So, I looked forward to cancel or delete a/c but it was static, no such options, hence I clicked on contact details and mailed to to delete my account at Apr 3, 2023 7:58 PM. Also I reported it on Google Playstore to block this app to prevent other users.
At 8:32 PM I got message from my bank of 2 credit transactions of Rs. 2100 each from unknown. Immediately I logged in to app to see what loan they have offered or giving but still showing the last same screen no updates. In my internet banking it showed me that I have received 2100 from MOHAMMAD SHAHZAD. I was logging the app again and again and by 10:30 PM screen changed and showed 2 loans of 3500rs for 7 days. I clicked payment option to return money but payment details are changing, first it showed me upi id: 8981213869m.pnb and second time
Name : Sarkar Shoe House,
Card No. : 4427002100002493
IFSC PUNB0442700. They may misuse my phone data or contact list if they got although once I found it suspicious I revoked app permissions immediately.

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