Loan Recovery Agent Visit without Prior Notice, visiting home after bank specified hours, in my absence confront family members and disclosure of details without my concent

Name of Complainant Prithwa Goswami
Date of ComplaintFebruary 12, 2025
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Banking
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Text of Complaint by Prithwa Goswami:

I have a personal loan from Axis Bank, which I took on 2023. I lost my job several months back and not been able to find a new one till now. I was paying EMIs sincerely but after I lost my job I couldn’t be able to pay 2 EMIs then I tried to arrange the monthly EMIs somehow and pay it whenever I can. I couldn’t arrange it last month. Now I have 3 months due EMI. A collection Agent visited my house last month and on the first week of January, I told him about my situation.
Again today on 28th of January’25, someone named, Joy Sen visited my house without any prior notice – no mails, no phone calls, no SMS – Nothing at all, that too after bank specified hours, at 7:45 PM in the evening. Claiming he is from Axis Bank Shakespeare Sarani Branch, but he didn’t show any employment ID or any issued papers from bank regarding my loan and outstanding. I was not at home at that time, and in my absence without my concent Joy Sen disclosed every details to my father who is 60+ years old diabetic patient and have no idea about this loan system and how loan agents function and what details he should ask from them. He was tensed and worried about it and that agent also said to my father ‘You have good reputation in your society and everyone knows you. So why are you doing this kind of work?’
My family members are not involved in this matter. The loan agreement was solely between axis bank and me. There is no Co-Applicant, no nominee and I am not a minor. Despite of that, that collection agent search my neighbourhood by my father’s name(he knew it as it was mentioned in my adhar card details) and upon reaching my house he asked for my father rather than me.

I am already under a huge pressure due to joblessness and this incident caused more chaos inside my family. My father is very tensed and not feeling very well after that. Family chaos due to this disclosure is giving me more mental pressure which I can’t handle anymore.

Please Help me regarding this.
Thank you so much.

Image Uploaded by Prithwa Goswami:

Loan Recovery Agent Visit without Prior Notice, visiting home after bank specified hours, in my absence confront family members and disclosure of details without my concent

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