He is asking more money if I didn’t pay he will put case in me

Name of Complainant Sanjay
Date of ComplaintAugust 27, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by Sanjay:

You can file a complaint, or even the police intervene. We have a professional lawyer team. You are now unable to withdraw money because you have not completed the order. Complaining does not solve the problem for you. You are currently an account and have not completed the order. As long as you complete the order, you can withdraw cash 100%. Because only the mall can successfully withdraw money for you. If the police can’t help you withdraw money, you can contact me to complete the order withdrawal – he is telling like this please help me and refund my 2000 rupees back

Image Uploaded by Sanjay:

He is asking more money if I didn’t pay he will put case in me

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