have received a message from WhatsApp followed by used Telegram to complete some small task to earn Rs.150 per day. Later I have tried to make 2 payments on Feb 29,2024. Initially I got my money back. With that assurance I have make another 2 payments in the group of 4members and after that due to an technical issue they asked me to make another payment of about 1.8 L to withdraw all my money which I made on that day. After the issue, there is no response in the group of 4 members. Thinking that the other 3 members belongs to the same team as a fraudsters. In that my total salary was gone. When I tried to approach them at least to give my last payments without the profit, they are not giving it, They asked me to pay 1.8L then only I can take all amount together. I was scammed as they have shared “Razorpay Guarantee Agreement” Please help me get my money back.

Name of Complainant Rakhi kandari
Date of ComplaintMay 9, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
Permanent link of complaint Right click to copy link
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Text of Complaint by Rakhi kandari:

I have received a message from WhatsApp followed by used Telegram to complete some small task to earn Rs.150 per day. Later I have tried to make 2 payments on Feb may 8,2024. Initially I got my money back. With that assurance I have make another 2 payments in the group of 4 Members and after that due to an
technical issue they asked me to make another payment of about 1.5 L to withdraw all my money which I made on that day.
After the issue, there is no response in the group of 4 members. Thinking that the other 3 members belongs to the same team as a fraudsters.
In that my total salary was gone. When I tried to approach them at least to give my last payments without the profit, they are not giving it, They asked me to pay 1.8L then only I can take all amount together.
I was scammed as they have shared “Razorpay Guarantee Agreement”

Please help me get my money back.

Image Uploaded by Rakhi kandari:

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