I have taken loan from these loan apps. In the covid-19 situation I fell into a complete financial breakdown. So I took loans. But their processing fee and interest is so high and their time is so short that I fell into a money trap. I have paid almost 4 5 lacs. After that there is 1.5 lac is due which I have to pay, I hardly used 20000 from there, because they thread me soo dangerously that I have taken another loan to pay one , and another to pay second one, slowly slowly I fell into a money trap. They all the time calling me and thread me if I not pay then they will call my contacts number and they thread me that they will make a what’s app group of all my contacts and sent them my details, they thread me if I not pay they will expose me in social media, they are mentally harassing me that suicidal thoughts coming into my mind, I lost everything to pay their dues, please take nei action against these apps because I have already paid huge amount and they have no rights to call my contacts and sent them details..I believe in indian constitution. I have faith on your laws, please take necessary action against this so that O can live my life peacefully.
loan apps are:
loan cube app, loan loan app, land mall app, cash fish app, fast cash app, maya cash app, cashpal app,asan loan app, cashlion loan app,money loan app, fas rupee rupeeland app,cashbus app, payme india app, goto cash app