Gvs Technology scam

Name of Complainant Pranshu
Date of ComplaintJune 1, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Pranshu:

Respected Sir/Madam,
My name is Pranshu Aggarwal. On 11th March 2020 I was contacted by someone on my whatsapp number. There she offered me a job of simple form filling by typing 1400 forms within 10 days and in return they will pay rs20 per page (i.e.,rs 28000) including a one time registration fees of rs 6700 which will be deducted from my first salary. Along with that they said that the accuracy of typing should be 75%. Since I got some interest in it and said ok. After that the process started, she asked my adhar card photo and told me to download an app for an agreement. First of all let me clear no agreement was shown to me initially. After opening the app she said to me sign. Then another person called me for verification. Then they mailed me an agreement from the I’d agreement.dpt@gmail.com. In the agreement it was written that the registration fees has to paid by me if I leave or unable to submit the work or the accuracy is not 75% also I have to pay the money. And If I don`t pay the money they will take legal actions against me. I got afraid and then started to work. While working the website gave many error pages but I finally completed my work on the 5th day.On the 6th day again I received a call from them and I said that I had completed my work.They asked me to submit the work to them and then they said that they will check the accuracy of my work. After an hour they again called me and said the accuracy was 70% with only minor errors and the errors are created by them and I have the proofs. They asked me to pay rs6700 and if I don’t do that they will file a case against me.I was shocked on listening to it and scared then I asked my friend for suggestion and gave the company number ,then I came to know that it was a fake company.So I blocked the number.Recently I am receiving mails from them Advocates saying I has to pay 6700 or they will file a case against me and now after searching in Google many people said that it is a fraud company. Sir/madam I am in deep trouble, I belong to a very poor family. Please help me. How will I pay those money, I don`t have any . Sir I will be very kind to you, please help me. I am giving all the details below. Person who contacted me : 9081919118
Email- mpayal551@gmail.com
Advocate :
99255 11405

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Gvs Technology scam

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